Greeting's From Your Mom Residing in Heaven
So long a time-it must seem- to you- that I have been gone. When I took my last breath on earth, it was
not goodbye;
mama only went home! Do not be sad, nor cry for me, I will see you again, before long. Time is such a funny thing. Jesus promises not to tarry, our return is soon; therefore sit back -relax- with every breath you take, breathe in, and cherish the memories that we made, after all, it is Mother's Day.
May your life be full of joy, until we meet again, and don't be foolish in your thinking; you know I have eyes in the back of my head. That is equivalent to, you can't get one over on me, although I am in Heaven; I am still your mother.
You have my word you have not lost a thing. You must be strong and carry on. We don't realize the simple things we are going to miss until someone is gone. Do not fret- we will be reunited- in a short while. I know you are not a child anymore. I am very proud of you!
What age are you now? You will always be my baby no matter how old you get. I carried you for nine months and delivered you into this world. I watched you grow and nourished you, throughout my years. I gave you all of the love I had to give and I taught you everything I knew, wisdom teaches us this day always comes too soon.
Now you are old enough and wise enough to take care of yourself. I am proud of the mature adult you have become. I know you are blessed with a home and family you adore, because I prayed and ask God to send you a good CHRIST LIKE man filled with the Holy Ghost, and I ask HIM to bless you with a quiver full of arrows of your own.
You are a hard worker and deserve the best. Rejoice with me this Mother's Day, I am finally getting my rest!
Oh- by the way, regarding my Mother's Day Gift this year -I have a special request.
Oh- by the way, regarding my Mother's Day Gift this year -I have a special request.
I don't have to imagine the pain you felt, when I went away-you see- my mother passed on before me.
The Mothers Day gift I desire from thee, it is cheap but not free, it will cost you something, as you already know, nothing in this world is totally free. No need to wrap it, save yourself some time, instead of going shopping-and please don't go online-searching for this precious gift of mine.
I was never disappointed-you were always eager to please- I loved every gift you gave unto me. This year will not be any different, I promise you indeed.
The only thing that I want you to change, is who shall receive the gift, you would have given me. I have words of wisdom stored in my heart for thee. I want you to prosper, excel and achieve.-I hope you get Mother of the Year-you are a winner indeed. Follow my instructions and you will flourish and succeed.
Every mother wants her daughter to be a better mom -you see- Give your children the time that you would have spent shopping for me. This is the gift I desire(my very special request.)
Maybe taking them to the park today-it is cheap and almost free -only a little gas- will you need.
Enjoy your time with your child(s) today-be sure to laugh and play-this is the Best Mother's Day gift,- you could ever give me- this- Mother's Day!
Keep your chin up and don't take any wooden nickels. We will meet again, just inside the Eastern Gate, at our appointed time. -Over There- that is the plan.- Until that day, promise you will not mourn for me on Mother's Day! I don't have to imagine the pain you felt, when I went away- you see I can relate- remember - my own mother passed away before me.
Never forget this important truth- to be absent from the body is to be present with the Lord.
Keep your chin up and don't take any wooden nickels. We will meet again, just inside the Eastern Gate, at our appointed time. -Over There- that is the plan.- Until that day, promise you will not mourn for me on Mother's Day! I don't have to imagine the pain you felt, when I went away- you see I can relate- remember - my own mother passed away before me.
Never forget this important truth- to be absent from the body is to be present with the Lord.
I always chose to celebrate your grandmother's life and the memories we all shared- I hope you will follow my lead, be glad and rejoice we have been set free!
These are the last words my precious mom whispered to me. Happy Mother's Day Mom I am so glad to be in Heaven with thee!
-with all the love you have for me in your heart - start this family tradition that I pray -
Promise to do your best not to shed any tears on Mother's Day, instead, get off your butts and take my grands out to play! Pack a picnic and enjoy this day that the Lord hath made rejoice and be glad in it -until we meet again-hugs and kisses from Heaven
I love you my (deer) child {not a typo} No need to correct! Just let it be, in case you are curious, want to clarify- I spelled it- the way we lived it-Well Deer God You Know Why-
All aboard the Crazy Train next stop Heaven. Who wants to ride. lol Smile
I am alive inside your heart- forevermore, I am not dead as long as you are breathing. I am only one heartbeat away- I have truly tucked away in your DNA. I will be with you always even until the end, you may run but ya can't hide from mama! Happy Mother's Day
I love you my (deer) child {not a typo} No need to correct! Just let it be, in case you are curious, want to clarify- I spelled it- the way we lived it-Well Deer God You Know Why-
All aboard the Crazy Train next stop Heaven. Who wants to ride. lol Smile
I am alive inside your heart- forevermore, I am not dead as long as you are breathing. I am only one heartbeat away- I have truly tucked away in your DNA. I will be with you always even until the end, you may run but ya can't hide from mama! Happy Mother's Day
Love you to the moon and back, to infinity and beyond my little princess X 2!
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