How Can I Earn and Make Money from Home? Are there any active and available opportunities to get money online today? How do I get free money?By Author CJ Saves Blogger and Content Creator.Saving Money With CJ to help women and men achieve their personal goals.Knowledge output on a variety of topics.Stay-at-home moms and dads know first hand the struggles and difficulties an unexpected divorce can bring, including the financial burdens you face.You are not alone.
Full Throttle Sloonshine Distillery Review
Are you for or against animal products as a source of food?
I am totally against trophy hunting. Sport hunting is cruel. I don’t have a problem eating meat, but I do have a problem with waste. I would never kill only for pleasure. If you hunt or fish please don’t waste food. Share your bounty with a food bank or neighbor. Our resources are precious and limited. Help fight world hunger by eliminating waste.
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Stretching Food Dollars Can Seem Painful
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Free Christmas Shopping Gift Guide
Servanthood-Bond-Slaves for Christ-Servants Heart

Christians Are Called on to be Like Christ or Christ-Like
Jesus Came to Serve Not be Served
Children of God are Bond Slaves for Christ
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Consumer Resources
Southern Style Old Fashioned Chow Chow Recipe
Food Recipe Roundup
3 Ingredients Recipe
This three-ingredient recipe is fun and easy for kids to make. My grandmother made this with me when I was young. I can't wait to share this family tradition with my grandchildren.
Peanut Butter + Marshmallow Cream + Bread = Fluffernutter Sandwich.
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Greeting's From Your Mom Residing in Heaven
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Perfect Vision 2021-How to Change Your Destiny? Finding the Path of LIFE
Karma Destiny Fate Future
Is There is Hope
What is my fate?
The formula for success is the same today, tomorrow, and forever. It is imperative to deny ungodliness and worldly lust. In this present world, we are to live soberly, righteously, and godly. The world is not your friend. Change your secular ways and head in the heavenly direction.
John 16:33
These things I have spoken unto you, that in me ye might have peace. In the world ye shall have tribulation: but be of good cheer; I have overcome the world.
Dear children, God is in control. He is our Blessed Hope. There is no such thing as Karma. Only people can make decisions about morality. We have justice and forgiveness through the blood of Jesus. He shows us mercy and gives us grace. Make a choice good or evil, change your outcome today. We are not promised tomorrow.
God proves to me every day he is still in control and nothing is impossible when you hold onto your faith. His word is divine and will not return void. Every father wants the best for his child. Our father which art in heaven is no different.
LUKE 11:11-13
11 If a son shall ask bread of any of you that is a father, will he give him a stone? or if he ask a fish, will he for a fish give him a serpent?12 Or if he shall ask an egg, will he offer him a scorpion?13 If ye then, being evil, know how to give good gifts unto your children: how much more shall your heavenly Father give the Holy Spirit to them that ask him?
God is restoring and shaking all that can be shaken. God has a perfect vision for you in 2020! He loves you and wants you to prosper. Your future can be bright. Yes, you can change your destiny.
Have faith in the name of Jesus and God's Holy Word. Never doubting or disputing His precious words are true. When we declare God's word over our life and abide in -JESUS – we are victors in all things and areas of our life, through the blood of Jesus. We declare victory in Jesus' Name-God is in control. I will not fear what man can do unto me. My fate and destiny are sealed in the name of JESUS.
Couponing 101 Class-Coupon Lingo Glossary Cheat-Sheet A-Z
Who created the coupon language? The coupon language is derived from ordinary people. Yes, people like you and me. It is not a secret language, although at first, the terms and abbreviations may be confusing.
We will embark on the unknown via the list of coupon terminology below. Think of it as your translator or guide, if you will. This glossary of words was created for beginners aka newbies. Our goal is for you all to be confident and successful in saving money. We are delighted you have joined the Coupon Community.
- BOGO/B1G1 = Buy One Get One
- B2G1= Buy Two Get On BOGO 50% Off = (Buy One at Full Price) WYB The Second Item (you will receive half-off of the original price).
- B5S5 – Buy 5 items get $5 off (typically seen during Kroger affiliate mega sale events)
$1 / 1 – $1 off 1 product
$5/$20: A certain amount must be spent on items- This coupon requires a purchase of twenty dollars and you will get five dollars off your purchase – $5 off $20 purchase, $3 off $9 purchase, etc.
- AC: After coupon. This refers to the price after coupons.
- ADs: Weekly Sales Circulars (Flyers)
- Albies: Albertson’s store
- ALA: As Low As
- All You: A magazine that has coupons inside
- ASAV: Any size any variety
- B5S5: Buy 5 items get $5 off (typically seen during Kroger affiliate mega sale events
- BB: Beauty Bucks (CVS)
- BD: Breakdown
- Beep: When a coupon is rejected at the register
- Blinkies: In-Store Smart Source Coupons
- Catalina: Coupon printed at the register after purchased
- CNP: Coupon Near Product (similar to BLINKIES)
- Checkout 51: Rebate App
- CoinOut: Rebate App
- Coupon DataBase: Search for current coupons
- Coupon Fairy: An individual who sells coupon inserts
- Website where you can print coupons.
- Coupon Fraud: violating the redemption terms and conditions of the coupon
- Crt: Customer Receipt Tape (CVS receipt coupons)
- DND: Do not Double
- DC: Digital coupon. Many stores and apps are now offering digital coupons to download
- Double Coupon: Stores that give you 2X the value of the coupon
- DD: Dead deal means the deal is no longer active
- DG: Dollar General(Physical Store
- DPCI: The number of a product to check inventory online at Target. Store item number
- DT: Dollar Tree(Physical Store)
- eCoupons: Electronic coupons that may be downloaded onto your store loyalty card and your savings will be deducted automatically when you swipe your card at checkout.
- EEB/ECB: ExtraCare Bucks (CVS)
- ES: Easy Saver (Found in Walgreens Stores and Online Website)
- EXP: Expired/Expiration Date
- FAR: Free After Rebate
- Fetch: Rebate App
- FIC: Fresh Idea Card(Marsh Rewards Card)
- Filler: Item used to meet spend requirements
- GM: General Mills (Newspaper insert)
- GC: Gift Card
- Glitch: When a coupon unintentionally attaches to an item it is not intended for.
IP: Internet printable. These are found on websites like or on brand sites
- Ibotta: Rebate App
- IP Fairy: An individual who sells internet printable coupons
- IS: Instant Savings
- ISO: In search of
- IVC: Instant value coupon ( Walgreens store coupons that are found in the coupon book at the register)
- K = Kellogg’s (Newspaper Insert)
- Kicks: Rewards System used on ShopKick app ($1=250 kicks)
- KROGER 5X Event: Simply clip your coupons (once use 5 times in one transaction, with your Card)
- Limit one per purchase: one purchase = one item. If you bought 3 cans of beans, you can use 3 coupons because you made 3 purchases.
- Limit one per transaction: You can only use one of the same coupons per the whole transaction. In this case, if you bought 3 cans of beans, you can only use 1 coupon
- MIR: Mail-in Rebate
- MFR: Manufacturer
- MFQ MQ: Manufacturer Coupon
- MM: Moneymaker
- My Points: Rebate App
- NLA: No longer available
- OOP: Out of Pocket
- OOS: Out of stock
- Overage: the amount left if the coupon value is more than the cost of the item. (Example: If you buy lotion for $1.84 and use a $2 coupon you will have $0.16 overage)
- OYNP: On your next purchase
- P&G: Proctor & Gamble (Newspaper Insert)
- Peelie: Coupon you peel off the package
- Penny Shopping: Clearance shopping at Dollar General where items can be found for as low as $0.01.
- PM: Price match
- PP: PayPal
- PQ: Paper coupon
- RP: Red Plum (Newspaper Insert) Now known as RMN
- Rakuten: Cash back app
- RC: Raincheck
- Receipt Pal: Receipt rewards app
- Red Box/ RB/Coupon Center: the red box at CVS is located near the entrance or register where you can print your personalized CRTs.
- RMN: Retail Me Not (newspaper insert)
- RR: Rebate Rewards (Walgreens)
- Run Deal: A deal that will likely last for a short period of time or end quickly.
- Sparkling: violating the redemption terms and conditions for a coupon intentionally
- SS: Smart Source (Newspaper Insert)
- Stacking: When a store allows multiple uses of coupons – manufacturers & store coupons or rebates on one item.
- Swagbucks: Rebate App
- TC: Target Circle
- TRC: Target Red Card
- Tear Pad: A pad of coupons or MIR near a product or on display
- UPC: Universal Product Code (the barcode found on the item)
- WAGS: Walgreens (Physical Store)
- Walgreens Cash Rewards: Walgreens reward system
- WYB: When You Buy
- YMMV: Your Mileage May Vary (Your experience or price may be different from others) Simply put, what works for one may not work for all
Influenster Blogger CJ Saves
Click Here for Product Reviews
Eye Drops, Food, Make-Up, Face Care, you will find links for free stuff here! I love to try new products! Best of all the products I try are free. One of my favorite sites for freebies is PinchMe. Click on the link for more information about becoming a pincher.
Best Product Reviews| Eye Drops|Lumify|
Have you tried
redness relieving eye drops
from the eye care experts at Bausch and Lomb?
I received a free sample in my Pinch Me Box, and boy did they come in handy.
Shout Out to #LUMIFY
Thank you, Bausch & Lomb you saved the day. My daughter recently got married, and I was like a well pouring out water. My eyes became red and irritated from all of my happy tears. My daughter was concerned and tongue-in-cheek said," if you don't stop crying, you are going to look like a Red-Eyed Devil in my wedding photos." I told her not to worry. I had a plan. I grabbed my purse and showed her my secret weapon, LUMIFY eye drops. She tilted her head and looked up into my red eyes with a doubtful expression. I applied LUMIFY Eye Drops, and one minute later the redness was gone! She could not believe how fast LUMIFY worked. For the next 8 hours, I was protected, and my eyes remained crystal cleaner.
Wedding photos turned out beautiful, no red-eye devil to be found. I highly recommend this product. I keep a bottle of LUMIFY eye drops in my purse at all times. This is an honest review of my free samples from Pinch Me. Try new products free from the manufacturer.
If you are not a pincher, join in all the fun. Simply, use my referral link BELOW, and start trying name brands goods.
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PINCHme allows you to sample free products of significant brands. Sign up and try new products for free. There is no membership fee required to join PINCHme. Membership is absolutely free; you will never pay for any freebie you receive via PINCHme. PINCHme samples come with complimentary shipping. Your free product samples will be mailed directly to your mailbox. PINCHme will never ask for your credit or debit card numbers. You will be required to enter a valid email address. Once your email address has been verified you will be an official PINCHER.
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Manufacturer Coupons Terminology and Conditions Explained Free Glossary
Couponing Terms
By: CJ Saves
Learn Coupon Lingo FREE
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Do landfills harm the environment? What can we do to reduce the waste? Help Earth: Reduce, Reuse, Recycle Can we Have a Positive Impact an...