By: CJ Saves
Southern Girl #Influencer
Honest Product Review of Glade Products

I just want to say thank you, SC Johnson, for making top-notch useful and affordable products. My family has been loyal patrons to your trustworthy company for decades, we use your reliable brands daily. One of my favorite brands is Glade Room Spray. I love the diversity in your refreshing line of Glade air care products. Your fragrances are perfect. They are full of aroma, yet not overpowering. My favorite room spray scent is your classic Apple Cinnamon. I use Glade Solids in my bathroom. They keep it smelling fresh and crisp. I am excited to discover your new Holiday Limited Edition Collection. I use plugins scented oils during the Holidays. The plugins heat the oils wonderfully and produce a very pleasant smell. I pair the fragrances of the oils with matching Glade long-burning Jar Candles. I display several jar candles throughout my home for the Holidays. The candles' soft glow not only illuminates but creates a peaceful atmosphere. Most people find the warm fiery flickering flame of a candle very relaxing. I highly recommend all the Glade Air Care Products, they are a staple in my home. You can find printable coupons on Glade's website, printed coupons in local newspapers and last but not least digital coupons from your favorite retailers.
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